Upload Rules & Optimizations

  • This is important because you need to make sure the script you're posting is clear for users to find with a simple search and what you can do is have the title length to around 50 - 70 characters which helps the search engine to give you a rank. eg "Azure Hub Gui | MONEY DUPE + ITEM DUPE"

  • Do not add the game name in the Title as you would automatically have the game name on your script card when you add the game ID(s).

  • Create a great summary of what the script is and the use for it. The better the description the better your script will look professionally.

  • 100 - 200 characters would be best for a perfect description so that the user knows what the script is all about.

  • Credit the creator of the script here as well if there is no discord server linked.

Features & Tags
  • To add Features type them in one by one and make sure to press "enter" on your keyboard to separate them.

  • For tags try and make them as separate as you can with Features and essentially use the tags as a way to increase the SEO on the script so that it looks better in the search engine.

  • If you're struggling to create good tags for a script please use a keyword research tool. eg Keyword Tool

Thumbnail Image
  • 625px x 450px would be the best fitting for the script card to show the entire image in the highest quality.

Script Options
  • Please only add loadstrings to the script anything else would not be approved.

  • If the script is "Free", "Paid", "Universal", "Mobile Support" please select them correctly and if it has a "key system" please select and add the link.

Discord & Game ID(s)
  • You are highly recommended to add the Discord server If there is a server for the script and so paste in the link where it says "Discord Invite".

  • Add in the Game ID for the game (not the whole link) in which the script supports and if the script supports multiple games then paste in the ID and press "Enter" on your keyboard to separate the games.

Congratulations you have completed the steps and optimizations to add a script on Getexploits.com now submit and the review process will commence. At this stage a script reviewer will review your script to see if everything is up to standards and you will get a notification on being approved or denied.


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